

Math 7 - Ms. Paganelli


Homework: Homework will be assigned almost every night. The exceptions will be the night before a test and holidays. It will be checked or collected the next day. Homework will not be accepted if it is not complete or late. Any timely, valid attempt will be accepted as complete. Homework that is missed will be made up during the student’s lunch period. At the end of the marking period a homework average will be computed based on the number of assignments that are missing. If all homework assignments are turned in and accepted, the average will be 100%. This will grade will be counted once in the average. For each homework missed, the homework average is lowered by 5 points. If a student is absent, they will have to make up their missing assignment in a timely fashion. 


Group work/Partner work: Group work/partner work will count as a grade, when appropriate.


Quizzes: Quizzes will be given, with notice, on a regular basis. They will NOT be comprehensive in nature and, generally, will be directed toward the latest topics. Each quiz will be counted once in the quarter average. 


Tests: Tests will be administered on a regular basis, approximately every two weeks. THEY WILL BE CUMULATIVE! Tests will be announced approximately a week in advance and a review sheet will be given at least 2 days before each test. The test grade will count twice in the quarter average. 


Class Page: All tests and quizzes will be posted on my class page, as well as this website, so please check regularly for upcoming assessments


Extra help:

I am available for extra help in room 108 every morning at 7:45 except Wednesday mornings.

I will be checking the blog page and feedback page on my website several times throughout each evening, so feel free to ask questions or post comments there as well. The last time I will check the website each night is 8:00 pm.